
Net-Zero Made DIY Simple

Our suite of design automation software, makes it super simple for you to convert your home & business into net-zero energy & net-zero emissions assets


Net-Zero Business

A net-zero business is not just zero-emissions but is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally. We can help convert your business into Net-Zero, that follows the GRI and SASB guidelines. Our team has built the design automation software translating our experiences of helping large Fortune 500 corporations and small businesses into Net-Zero businesses.

  • Full Net-Zero: Environment + Social + Economic
  • DIY Design Automation Software
Natasha G.
Co-Founder, GeoX Retail Inc.
“...the ZeroDesigner software made it really easy to first assess our business carbon footprint and then generate easy to implement and high ROI solutions to convert our business into net-Zero & sustainable...”

Net-Zero Home

A net-zero energy home consumes as much energy as it produces using roof solar PV. A net-zero home is also fully sustainable - recycling and conserving all resources. Let us help you convert your home into Net-Zero, with a personalized design in minutes.

  • Maximizes $ ROI
  • DIY easy
Darren L.
Home-owner, Santa Clara, CA
“ZeroDesigner helped us find the best solution for solar and better home systems for our home, that was not only easy to implement but also fit our budget...”

Go Net-Zero!

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Assess your current carbon footprint and get all the best possible and easy solutions for reducing it.

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Use Renewable Energy

We help you find the best solar & wind solutions for your business or home.

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Conserve Water

One of the key and often overlooked metrics is the amount or water that ones saves...

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Recycle Resources

Efficient recycling is not only cost-effective but can have a huge sustainability impact with least effort.

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Energy Efficiency

Energy saved is energy earned. ZeroDesigner generates optimal& practical solutions for saving energy.

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Reduce Consumption

Reduce the natural resources you/your business consumes. We help measure wastage & track consumption.

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About ZeroDesigner


Save Earth. Go Net-Zero Green...

ZeroDesigner software generates the best-value (maximizes return on investment) to convert your home or business into a Net-Zero asset. We have over 20 years of experiences helping home-owners and businesses become sustainable and Net-Zero, combining renewable energy, energy & water conservation, and sustainable practices.Come be part of the the green sustainable revolution!Go Net-Zero! Start with your own home or business.

What is Net-Zero?!


Why should I care about going Green?!

Liam Hemsworth News

Why should you care...?! For your children and the future generations. My time with the UN task force on climate action opened my eyes on the alarming rate of change, and deterioration & depletion of our planet's natural resources. There are 5 main reasons for you to care...

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What is Net-Zero?!

Lily Misra News

Net-Zero can mean and imply a lot of things. We like to think of it comprehensively - being sustainable economically, socially and environmentally, going beyond the GRI and SASB guidelines...

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4 Steps to a Net-Zero Home...

John Mezza News

A net-zero energy home consumes as much energy as it produces. Our proprietary software ZeroDesigner helps convert your home into a Net-Zero home through a 4 step process...

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